Monday, 30 April 2012

The Ganzfeld Experiment

Lately, we have been reading about and experimenting with the Ganzfeld experiment. Ganzfeld refers to a homogeneous field, whether it be visual, auditory, tactile, etc. Usually this translates into lying still, staring at something featureless with white noise in the background. Why subject yourself to such misery? Because you will begin to hallucinate.
The idea is that once you deprive your senses of any meaningful stimuli your brain starts to make things up. People may start out with flashes of greeny/purple shapes/fog but eventually vivid visuals or distinct sounds may burst out of nowhere.
So throw away those crystal balls and obsidian mirrors 'cause this here's the new scrying, baby.

Those who are interested into delving into the emerging science behind it might like to start by hunting down the following article:
Wackermann J, Putz P & Allefeld C 2008 'Ganzfeld-induced hallucinatory experience, its phenomenology and cerebral electrophysiology' Cortex, Volume 44, Issue 10, pp. 1364-1378.

The Lovecraft

Saturday, 28 April 2012

H R Giger's Baphomet Tarot

A little while back we stumbled on this blog explaining the symbols behind H R Giger's Baphomet Tarot. For those who are unfamiliar with Giger....well no one is unfamiliar with Giger are they? He invented the mother-flippin' ALIEN!

Anyhoo, for those unfamiliar with the concept of tarot, it is probably best to abandon the notion of some haggard gypsy in a tent predicting the future. Instead, consider them as symbols for meditation or as troubleshooting strategies (either in a 'spread' or as stand-alone cards). For instance, one might take The Fool (above) as a commentary on the ultimate free will of man to chose his fate in the most hopeless of circumstances and the eternal & cyclical nature of the elements that make him up.

We like to put a card up as our desktop wallpaper, whatever we're trying to focus on at that moment, as a constant, subconscious cue.
Failing all that, they're just damned amazing paintings!
You can find all the cards here or, if your German ain't too shabby, you may wish to try Giger's tarot spread game.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Lucifer Rising: Angerwear

Fancy yourself a style icon for the new aeon? Sixpack are peddling these cool tees featuring the emblem sewn on the back of the Light Bearer's cloak from the seminal Kenneth Anger film Lucifer Rising. I wept inconsolably when I discovered they had sold out of a limited edition run of jackets with the same patch emblazoned on the back.

Alternatively, Zazzle has a similar (though slightly less faithful reproduction imho) available. Or, if you're feeling retro, you might opt for their Jehovah shirt!

Fans of Noel Fielding might find this symbol oddly familiar....

Welcome to the Futurenaut

Greetings! Thanks for stopping by, we trust you will enjoy your stay.
This blog will consist of all manner of nick-nacks, curios, second-hand objet d'art, trinkets, you name it.
As conventional newsfeeds descend deeper into the abyss of banality & irrelevance, it will be small, mobile units such as this blog that rise from the ashes as a luminous information phoenix. So, without further adieu, let the Crowned & Conquering Child of journalism receive the only fanfare of inauguration worthy of such an occasion...